Friday, June 26, 2009

Polo shirt with workout shorts guy?

Something that has always baffled me because I think it just looks odd. Let me preface this by saying this is only a guy issue and girls it really makes no difference. Wearing a polo shirt with dress shorts or cargo shorts not a problem. Heck I even do that. No, the problem I have is guys wearing polo shirts or just shirts with a collar but then following it up with basketball shorts or just your everyday workout shorts. Let me give you a few examples of this fashion debacle.

Wearing a collared polo shirt on the treadmill guy. I mean I’ve seen this hideous act way too much. I think it’s most prominent when you go to some place like a hotel and you just know what’s coming. Some guy that forgot his plain old workout shirt decides to throw his nice knit polo shirt on with some basketball looking shorts then hop on the treadmill and go to town like no one notices. Trust me people are noticing this they just aren’t telling you.

Playing a game of pick-up basketball while wearing a collared shirt guy. These guys are just standouts bottom line. Usually there are two things you are telling everyone else on the court. One, I can’t play basketball but I sure would like to try! And two you’re saying please all you big ballers out here, laugh and make fun of me, please. FYI don’t expect anyone to pick you up if they are short one player.

Wearing a collared shirt with mesh shorts while cleaning around the house on Saturday guy. I think my dad may be guilty of this from time to time but not sure. First of all its way too hot more than likely to be sporting the collared shirt anyway let alone trying to do manual labor. Honestly this is probably one of the safest places to pull off this hideous look but keep in mind you do have neighbors that have little else to do than sit around and watch other people do work while they sit on their front porch or couch and talk about “what the neighbor is doing”.

I think I’m only writing about this today because on my way home some guy was in his front yard stacking wood while pulling off the collared shirt with bball shorts look. I guess that finally caused me to write about it. But yeah, this thing has kind of baffled me for years. And finally with most issues I bring to anyone's attention I like to present some sort of solution. In this case I guess for the sake of procreation, guys, can you think twice before doing this? I don’t know, I got nothing it’s Friday what’s there to really complain about?

1 comment:

  1. Haha, this must be a Charlottesville thing, because I haven't seen it. Do they pop the collars, too?
