Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Enough with the Chocolate already, I get it!

So just about everyone in the world with the exception of maybe some person in like Indochina and me prefers chocolate over vanilla. Let me make it clear that I do like chocolate so no I’m not chocolate hating here. I’m just so tired of chocolate dominating the entire flavor market for everything.

Has anyone ever tried vanilla milk? I absolutely love that stuff, when you can find it. And when you do find it you have to stock up because it’s either only out for a limited time or going out of stock to never be replenished. Why is that?

Oh here’s one. Why do I have to go to Dairy Queen and look up at the ice cream and blizzard flavors and see about 98% of all flavors in some form or fashion having chocolate in them? Wait let me make a small correction, you will find “For a limited time” Cotton Candy Blizzards or the pumpkin or candy apple flavor. Forgive me if I’m leaving something out, I don’t think I’ve been to a DQ in over a year. Partly because I’m not really a fast food guy and mostly because I’m so sick of only having forty- thousand blizzard flavors all of which have some form of chocolate in them. What is this obsession with chocolate in our country?

Applebee’s I have to give you a little bit of love here. Two words, The Blondie! You want to talk about a dessert? That blows away any chocolate dessert I’ve seen on that menu. So for now I say thank you Applebee’s and do say for now because it’s only a matter of time before it will be taken out completely and probably replaced by some German chocolate cake or who knows what.

Notice I said 98% earlier. That 2% is not all reserved for my vanilla brethren either. Butterscotch usually makes an appearance every now and then. I have to give it to butterscotch though it’s not bad but I usually only eat it in protest to chocolate and well of course if vanilla isn’t available.

So here’s my thing. Chocolate, alright I got it. I’m only asking that instead of a 98% chocolate domination in this world that we just up the distribution to like say 20% or maybe even as high as 30% vanilla/non-chocolate flavors. Vanilla is to me what chocolate is to the rest of the world. Someone out there throw me a freaking bone here!


  1. So, are you saying we need more Nerd Blizzards? "Nerd Blizzard? Why you wanna be a nerd?"

    I'm with you 100% on this one. Chocolate is good, but overrated. I'm a simple person that likes good, simple flavors. It's hard to beat a cone or bowl of plain vanilla ice cream.

  2. I have to agree with you also. I too, like chocolate, but would rather have vanilla. Especially cake, icing, icecream...everything really. I too am a HUGE fan of the Blondie at Applebee's. I am not a chocolate hater either, I am just one of apparently very few Americans who enjoy vanilla. I also love vanilla milk and you can make great homemade milkshakes with that stuff.
