Thursday, January 15, 2009

Simple solution to steroids in sports

For starters this is the one topic in sports I absolutely cannot for one second tolerate. When I hear one mention of steroids and sports I go just about nuts. This is another reason for my annoyance of Dan Patrick and my appreciation that he finally left ESPN. However I’m not here to write about that or am I here to contradict myself and talk about steroids. I am writing to give a simple solution so here goes.

Try this as an idea. Mandate that every professional sports team be assigned a professional “pharmacist” or “doctor” if you will to live, travel and be a part of every team. Sort of like the team doctor or strength and conditioning coach. This person’s sole responsibility for the team he/she is assigned to is being the subject matter and formally trained purchaser, distributer and educator of all legal drugs and supplements to those players that need or want them. So to dumb this down, some player we will call Mark McGwire wants to take some supplement that he just saw in a magazine. Well instead of him purchasing or ordering this drug he goes to the team “pharmacist/doctor” and tells them what he wants and how much of it he wants. Then it’s up to this designated individual to go out with the players own money and buy this supplement for him. Now keep in mind this designated person would be earning a salary from that team/league so he would be a full time employee and would also be available during the offseason.

So using this solution not only ensures the players are getting legal supplements but also holds the respective league liable in the event that a player comes up hot on a random drug test. Unless of course some idiot player comes up hot for something he decides to buy on his own without going through the middle man.

Did I leave something out here? Does anyone think this might be a simple solution to an ongoing long term problem? I mean we are talking about hiring one person per professional team, paying him a salary and in return he/she educates the team, keeps players out of trouble and holds the respective leagues responsible for any illegal drug use.

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