Monday, December 29, 2008

Mayonnaise Really is Gross

Just so you know, Jonathan does really hate mayonnaise. One incident six years ago illustrated just how much he hated mayonnaise. Jonathan, myself, and others were driving from Syracuse, NY back home to Virginia. All of us were on edge to begin with since Tech lost the football game the night before, but things got really out of hand when we stopped for lunch.

We stopped in an Arby's somewhere in Pennsylvania. Jonathan ordered one of their market fresh sandwiches and asked for no mayonnaise. Somehow, I think those Arby's workers knew that Jonathan hated mayonnaise and were just toying with him. Jonathan gets his sandwich and it has mayonnaise. He takes it back and asks for another one without mayonnaisse. Jonathan comes back to the table, opens it up - mayonnaise again. He goes back a second time and gets another one. The workers finally got this one right and didn't put mayonnaise on it, but it had more lettuce than any sandwich I'd ever seen. The lettuce looked like clown hair busting out from under the bread. At that moment, Jonathan lost it. That may have been the angriest I've ever seen anyone get.

For the record, I hate mayonnaise too. I love me some Sonic burgers - they always ask mustard or mayonnaise. I always get mustard, but sometimes they mess up. Nothing ruins a good burger like mayonnaise. Seriously, how could anyone like mayonnaise on a burger? The only thing I've ever eaten that I like mayo on is a Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich.

Jonathan also hates the following people:

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thanks for saying Merry Christmas

Over the past weeks I've been to a few stores, some restaurants, gas stations, etc. I would say about half a dozen or so people that have either waited on me or rung up my purchases have said "..and have a Merry Christmas". Me being the situationally aware person that I think I am immediately said , and Merry Christmas to you as well. However I didn't really stop there. I followed that up by saying, thank you for saying Merry Christmas to me I really do appreciate it.

Although I'm not suppose to admit it, (society) I do celebrate Christmas and I do say Merry Christmas. Heck I've even said happy Festivus to a few people just for fun. I really just want to publicly thank all those people who have said and do say Merry Christmas.

So instead of me infringing on your rights by me saying Merry Christmas how about society stop infringing on my rights by not allowing me to say Merry Christmas?

Merry Christmas all!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Festivus!

As we are two days before Christmas I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Festivus. Take advantage of this wonderful day and partake in the Airing of Grievances. Let everyone you know, know exactly how you feel about them. It's relaxing and therapeutic.

"I got a lot of problems with you people!"

Monday, December 22, 2008

The 40 second play clock

OK this is something that has driven me crazy for way too long. The NFL has had the 40 second play clock for some time now. College as you know just started it this year. As I sat around watching the NFL games yesterday again this phenomenon that is the 40 second play clock about drove me nuts.

Why the heck does any team College or professional need a 40 second play clock? Does it really take that long to get a play in? That’s over half a minute just to snap the ball. I mean really what are these offensive coordinators doing that they are allowed 2 min. 40 seconds every time they get a first down? And think about this a team could theoretically start kneeling the ball (in the NFL) right after the 2:00 warning and run the game clock out. Of course most teams should manage their timeouts to not allow this however this brings up another point.

How many times have you seen teams burn up timeouts because they’ve been unable to get the play off in time? I mean from the time the last play ended and 40 seconds after that what the heck are these players, teams and coaches doing? Oh wait a second I know, moving at a snail’s pace to get up to the line, walking in substitutions (not really running), showing no sense of urgency especially when their team is losing by a score or two. (Note here, watch an NFL game and observe the lack of urgency by everyone on the team that is losing when there is little time left in the 4th quarter, its amazing)

Solution: Reduce the 40 second play clock to 30 seconds. That gives you more plays per game, which helps us as fans get a little more of our money’s worth. This would improve the urgency of players showing no motivation and not allow a team to burn up almost three minutes just kneeling the ball to end a game. So before anyone disagrees with me on this think about something. When a play ends who really needs to know what to do next? The quarterback right? So when a play ends the other 10 players on the field hustle up to the area where the ball was downed, wait for your QB to get the play, or wait for a substituting player to bring the play in, wait for the QB to relay the play to everyone and then get ready for the next play. If you’ve practiced all year each player should know what to do when give the play, it’s not like the QB is telling each player what route to run every time they run a play. That’s something more know in backyard flag football games.

End this 40 second play clock madness please.

Friday, December 19, 2008

A little intro. to kick off this whole blog thing

Well I thought I'd give this blog thing a try. I'm doing this mostly to talk about sports, random rants and to just bring up things that really make no sense. If anything maybe your entertained.

For the record to all who read this, I'm a huge Hokie and have been my whole life. As for professional sports I'm a fan of the Cincinnati Bengals, Oakland Athletics and Detroit Red Wings. I only state my teams up front to avoid any accusations of being band wagon and all that other nonsense.

Quick history behind why I pull for the teams I do. Virginia Tech: too easy my dad went to Tech and he started taking me to games when I was probably four years old. I also went to Tech and I'm a very proud alum. Cincinnati Bengals: As a little kid I had a fascination with their helmets and I loved their uniforms. I got a Cincinnati Bengals t-shirt as a Christmas gift when I was probably seven or eight years old. Since then I've stuck with the Bengals through all the loosing seasons. Yes, it is painful. Oakland Athletics: Well I was a big Rickey Henderson, Mark McGuire, José Canseco and Dennis Eckersley fan. As I got older I also appreciated the fact that Billy Bean can be as successful as he is and not have to buy all his talent like the New York Yankees. Detroit Red Wings: OK so I didn't really pick up on hockey until 1993. I bought a video game for my Super Nintendo, NHLPA 1993, loved Steve Yzerman and the Wings just stuck with me ever since. Growing up in Virginia you're sort of at a hockey disadvantage. Also for the record growing up in Virginia does not automatically make you a fan of all the D.C. teams, if anything I hate them because of that fact. D.C. is not Virginia and also distance to closest city should have no bearing on what team you pull for.

Outside of talking sports I'm mostly doing this whole blog idea to get things off my chest and talk about things that drive me nuts. I'd consider myself pretty opinionated and I don't really do a good job of not expressing it. I've always felt that a little controversy and difference of opinions is interesting. So don't expect to read anything sugar coated as I honestly don't care if people disagree with what I believe. I've never been one of those people that give in to peer pressure kind of people.

So anyway enough with all this intro. I'll start posting some things of a little more interest from this point on. I just felt it was probably appropriate to do some sort of introduction. Oh yeah I'm a terrible speller so trust me there will be mistakes!